Journal History

Mediakita Journal: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting, received the first printed ISSN with numbers 2579-3721 since Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2017 with SK No. 0005.25793721/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2017.04 - 06 April 2017. Whereas for ISSN Online with numbers 2615-3327 starting in Vol. 2 No. 2 July 2018 with SK No. 0005.26153327/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2018.02 - 27 February 2018. In a relatively short time, the Mediakita Journal: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting has won a Sinta 5 rating based on the Decree of the Director General of Strengthening Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Education Higher Number 28/E/KPT/2019, September 26 2019 concerning Ranking of Scientific Journal Accreditation Period V of 2019. Starting with the issue of 2024, Mediakita journal has been accredited sinta 2, and starting Volume 9 Number 1 Year 2025 Mediakita Journal is published twice a year with a total of 10 articles per issue.

Mediakita Journal: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting is a journal under the auspices of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) IAIN Kediri which is intended for the Ushuluddin Da'wah Faculty, especially the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Program. In its progress, the Mediakita Journal is published 2 times a year every January and July with each number of articles as many as five manuscripts initially written by the internal KPI Study Program, across study programs and across universities, but changes in journal management have changed the number of articles. published in each issue. Starting from Volume 6 Number 1 of 2022, the Mediakita Journal consistently determines the number of published articles to be 8 manuscripts. Now, Volume 9 Number 1 Year 2025 Mediakita Journal is published twice a year with a total of 10 articles per issue.

Since it was first published in January 2017, there have been several changes in the publication system including the citation style which initially used the APA Style format to change to Chicago, and refocused starting from Volume 6 Number 1 of 2022 using the APA Style format and followed by several changes writing format. As for the language of the website, the management of the Mediakita Journal determines the language of the website to use English. Mediakita Journal has also been indexed in the Garuda, Moraref, Sinta, and Google Scholar portals. This achievement cannot be separated from the role of the editorial team who work according to their respective duties, starting from the editor-in-chief, managing director to the editor-in-board, Jurnal Mediakita also invited two external editors from editors from domestic universities and five people from foreign universities spread across several countries including Bangladesh, Canada, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, and Malaysia. Of all the editors on board, there are already two people who have Scopus IDs.

The policy prioritized by Mediakita Journal in the process of acceptance to publication is prioritizing the quality of the manuscript and conformity with the theme and format of writing that has been determined. So that in the initial process of receiving manuscripts, the main topics raised will be seen first, then the level of plagiarism is no more than 25%, conformity with the journal template and writing format. If there are writing errors, the manuscript will be returned to the author for correction. Vice versa. When there are no errors, the manuscript can be immediately reviewed by competent reviewers using the double-blind commitment method. In this case, the reviewers at the Mediakita Journal consist of nine people, four people from domestic universities and five people from foreign universities from Malaysia, the USA, Turkey, the UK, and Romani. All nine reviewers of Mediakita Journal already have a Scopus ID.