Contestation Of Islamic Discourse In The Digital Space On Islamic Portals


  • Achmad Tohari UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • Aviv Nafiuddin Al-Azhar University Cairo
  • Fathul Qorib Kocaeli University



History of Indonesian Islamic Media, Islamic Media Development Map In Indonesia, Profile of Media Portal, Framing Analysis


This research aims to analyze the content of Islamic media portals regarding the issue of faith in the online media and The author analyzes how Islamic media framing looks at the issue of faith, which is often discussed in everyday life, on the media portals and The author also analyzes the development of Islamic media in Indonesia by referring to the history of Islamic media in Indonesia. This research is a qualitative study in which the author uses Robert Entman's framing analysis method to analyze and media portals from an Islamic perspective in their media articles. This study concludes that Islamic media portals have experienced significant development, especially the emergence of new media related to the organizations they support with their media base on the Internet after the new order, framing analysis obtained the conclusion that between and in the discussion of Islam, it can be seen that both contribute to each other, but judging from the content of the posts that more often contains updates in its media content compared to media, which looks more waiting for the movement of conservative media religious narrative discourse.


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How to Cite

Achmad Tohari, Aviv Nafiuddin, & Fathul Qorib. (2024). Contestation Of Islamic Discourse In The Digital Space On Islamic Portals. Jurnal Mediakita : Jurnal Komunikasi Dan Penyiaran Islam, 8(2), 172–192.