
  • Lailatul Latifah



Soekarno, Indonesia’s Independence, Muhammadiyah, Bengkulu


Soekarno was one of the figures of the National movement that fought against the Dutch. He played a very
important role in advancing the nation of Indonesia. Soekarno also joined the Sarekat Muhammadiyah. His
encounter with the founder of Sarekat Muhammadiyah began when he was in Surabaya. When he was exiled
to Bengkulu, the Sarekat Muhammadiyah was used as a means of fighting for the Indonesian nation. One of
his role in Muhammadiyah in Bengkulu was eradicated the customs of Muhammadiyah people in putting
restrictions on men and women when conducting meetings. He also established a conference of Daeratul Kubro
in the Sumatra region, in addition to creating PEKOPE (War Victims Assistance) in order to welcome Japan to
Japan Indonesia. This is a library research using a historical research method consisting of heuristics while the
data was obtained by referring to an autiobiography of Soekarno entitled Soekarno Penyambung Lidah Rakyat
Indonesia. This research found that Soekarno made some contributions to the development of Muhammadiyah
in Bengkulu through initiatives that he made in efforts to struggle for the Indonesia’s independence.


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How to Cite

Latifah, L. (2022). SOEKARNO DAN MODERNISASI ISLAM MUHAMMADIYAH BENGKULU: SEBUAH TINJAUAN HISTORIS. Empirisma: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Kebudayaan Islam, 29(2), 113–122.