Ethics, Islam, al-GhazālīAbstract
Ethics is one part that can’t be given a distance from the discipline of philosophy. This happened because
Greek philosophy also contributed to the birth of Islamic philosophy. In addition, ethics is also a very vital
and substantial part of the discipline. Al-Ghazālī himself is a scholar, a philosopher, and a Sufi who is very
intelligent and productive. In this case, the concept of Islamic ethics according to al-Ghazālī towards the
opinions of philosophers who lead to disbelief, there are three problems, first, the natural faith. Second, God
does not know things that are particular (juziyat), but only knows things that are universal (kulliyāt). Third,
physical awakening. However, the ethical concept disputed by al-Ghazālī received a rebuttal from one of the
Islamic leaders who were no less great, namely Ibn Rushd.
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