
  • David Arthur Hukom



Indonesia, State, Shariah


Indonesia is a great country that is rich in natural resources, culture, tradition and religion. Religious diversity is a
prosperity that is owned by Indonesia. Religious diversity that fails to be managed properly can cause problems and
even damage the unity of the nation. It has to be well facilitated, and dialogue is one of the methods that can be used.
The dialogue becomes a presentation of the diverse religions that brings peace in togetherness as one nation, peace
that comes from a clear understanding and not a bias prejudice. It also will discuss many issues including the concept
and principle of the Nation. The discussion about religion state is interesting especially the implementation of Shariah
though it has not become a comprehensive law in all regions in this country, but in certain areas clearly brings its
own color in our society. Shariah is not only talking about the interests of today, but also the spirit that has been
maintained since the past. The spirit is not only talking about political memories from the past, but also the values of
its believers. In fact, the implementation of Syariah does not run easly and sometimes it has to face more challenges
and barriers but the spirit to make Syariah as a comprehensive law is need to be maintained. For one believes that
human civilization can return to be a better life, back to early Islam which appeared and developed on earth. Aceh
province is one of an example of Syariah implementation as a comprehensive law in society, eventhough it is not yet
perfect, the Acehnese keep trying to make it as a guidance of shared life. This paper aims to point out Shariah as a
great value to maintain a peace of life because there is an effort in dialouge between something ideal and real. Reality
which does not support ideality does not become a barrier.


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How to Cite

Hukom, D. A. (2019). PEMBERLAKUAN SYARI’AH DALAM NEGARA BERAGAMA. Empirisma: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Kebudayaan Islam, 28(2), 85–99.