
  • Sheyla Nichlatus Sovia




Ibn Rusyd, Argumentation, God


Various opinions or atheist ideals are displayed, which assume that the world already exists by itself. As the
world is a tirelessly moving machine that has no beginning and no end. That is what has given an assumption
that the universe does not have a creator or maintainer so that the term God does not apply in his thoughts
and beliefs. This research is library research (Library Research), so that the type of qualitative research. The
data source was obtained from Ibn Rusyd’s primary data source, Al-Kasyf’ Manāhij al-Adillat fi ʻAqaid al
Millat Tahafut at Tahafut and fash al Maqal, the data collection methods used in this study were the deductive,
comparative and hermeneutic methods. This research concludes, Ibnu Rusyd proved the existence of God by
proposing no propositions, namely the Dalil al Inayah (providence of God), Dalil al-Ikhtira (the proposition of
creation), and Dalil al Harakah (the proposition of motion). We witness that everything that has no sense, like
for example, natural body, towards the end. The analysis obtained in proving the existence of God by Ibnu Rusyd
is acknowledging the existence of God. Their intellect and revelation become the source of knowledge and tools
to achieve truth, especially in proving the existence of God. Then his philosophical thought patterns indirectly
influenced more by the philosophy of Aristotle. He succeeded in reconciling the world of philosophy with the
world of Theology and through his cosmological arguments, has proven the existence of God.


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How to Cite

Sovia, S. N. (2019). IBN RUSYD ON GOD AND CREATIONISM. Empirisma: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Kebudayaan Islam, 28(2), 75–83. https://doi.org/10.30762/empirisma.v28i2.403