Revenue Sources

To ensure the sustainability of managing the QOF journal, it requires a source of income that can support its operations. In this case, the income of the QOF journal comes from funds or financial support provided by Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kediri. This support is crucial because it enables the journal to continue serving as a platform for the dissemination of relevant knowledge and research.

The sources of income from IAIN Kediri encompass research funding and operational support. Research funding can assist researchers in publishing their research findings in the QOF journal without having to personally cover publication costs. Operational support includes various aspects that allow the QOF journal to run efficiently, such as technical infrastructure, human resources, and operational funds.

With the financial support provided by IAIN Kediri, the QOF journal can continue to play a role in supporting academic development and the dissemination of scientific knowledge within the university's academic community. This is a concrete example of how support from educational institutions can be a key factor in ensuring the sustainability of an academic journal.