
  • Nur Aida



Comparison of Story, Intrinsic Elements, The Story of the Prophet Lut


The prophet Lut was one of the prophets whom Allah told several times in al-Qur’an. In the same story, there
are indications that Allah tells the story over and over again with a different intrinsic element. Findings about
the similarities and differences in the intrinsic elements in the telling of the story of the Prophet Lut will be
useful for the process of interpreting al-Qur’an specifically to understand the context of the Prophet Lut’s story.
In addition, comparative research so far is in the form of intertextual studies, there has not been any research
on the comparison of the intrinsic elements of the same story but it is repeated. So this paper will compare the
intrinsic elements of the story of the Prophet Lut between letters in al-Quran. Using intrinsic element theory,
namely identifying the plot, characterization, setting, point of view and theme of each letter that tells the story
of the Prophet Lut and then comparing them. With a qualitative approach from the source of al-Qur’an. The
results show that differences occur in the plot, characterization, and setting. But the same is the theme and
perspective. The differences occur not because the stories in al-Qur’an are contradictory, but because there
are variations in the instrumental elements that serve to provide beauty, emphasis and psychological effects.
For the interpretation of the verse of the story, in addition to understanding the meaning of the text, context,
related science, and development science, it is also necessary to understand the intrinsic elements of the story
because the differences in the presentation of the intrinsic elements are related to the intent of the message to
be conveyed in the verse.


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How to Cite

Aida, N. . (2022). PERBANDINGAN UNSUR INTRINSIK KISAH NABI LUT ANTAR SURAT DALAM AlQURAN. Empirisma: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Kebudayaan Islam, 30(2), 151–176.