Analysis of Child Friendly Parks in Ngronggo Park, Kediri City
Kata Kunci:
City Parks, Child-Friendly Parks, Social InteractionAbstrak
Child-friendly city parks are city parks specifically designed to support children's play, learning and social interaction activities. This space is not only needed for recreation, but also as a means of education, character building in children and also a place to train socialization in children.The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that make the ngronggo park in the city of kediri a child-friendly city park. This research method uses a qualitative approach with phenomenology type. Informants amounted to five (5) visitors to the ngronggo park. This data collection technique uses observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study according to informants, Ngronggo Park is a child-friendly city park, so children feel at home playing in Ngronggo Park. Factors that make the ngronggo park a child-friendly city are 1.) adequate game facilities 2.) Accessibility that is easy to reach 3.) a comfortable and safe atmosphere 4.) supporting children's social interactions 5.) the role of people who support children to play in ngronggo park.