Anthropocentric Views and Their Influence on Environmental Issues


  • Habbadzaa Maa’al Azza Program Studi Aqidah dan filsafat Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah, IAIN Kediri
  • Ahmad Ilham Zainuri Program Studi Aqidah dan filsafat Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah, IAIN Kediri

Kata Kunci:

Anthropocentric, Nature, Environment, Modernization


This research aims to discuss the anthropocentric view and its influence on environmental issues. This research uses a qualitative approach by applying the descriptive-analytical method. The formal object is the influence of anthropocentric views on human behavior in environmental issues, while the material object is anthropocentric views and their impact on the environment. The rest, the context of this research is the relationship between anthropocentric views, exploitation of natural resources, and its impact on the environment. The results and discussion in this study show that anthropocentrism has an impact on modernization which gave birth to the view of industrialization and capitalism that nature is seen as valuable as long as it can meet human interests or entities that have nothing to do with human interests are considered to have no value. This research concludes that anthropocentrism encourages the advancement of modernization to exploit nature and ecology through industrialization and capitalization both carried out by the government and companies.


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Cara Mengutip

Habbadzaa Maa’al Azza, & Ahmad Ilham Zainuri. (2024). Anthropocentric Views and Their Influence on Environmental Issues. PROSIDING RELIGION, PSYCHOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT, 58–65. Diambil dari