Bias Nilai Pendidikan dalam Konstruksi Sosial Masyarakat Bima
Value of Education, Social Construction, Society of BimaAbstract
Education function to develop the ability and form the character and civilization of a dignified nation to educate the nation’s life. This is in line with the values and norms of Indonesian society and is far from materialism, But along with the influx of globalization and modernization, the value and meaning of education are often biased. The occurrence of bias in the interpretation of the meaning of education is caused by social change. research on education bias in the Bima community gives an idea of how education values can not be interpreted well by society. Peter L Berger is one of the sociologists who discussed the whole process of social construction. Using the social construction theory of Peter L Berger, it can be seen that the people of Bima undergo a process of social change consisting of; (a) Changes in education patterns in Bima from Islamic education to secular education, (b) Conversion of society’s high social status, related to education which is a social construction process in Bima society about one’s social status. So from the analysis can be seen that education for the community of Bima has a very important role in determining the position of a person’s social status.
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